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168极速赛车正规官方平台 一分钟极速赛车开奖结果查询Twenty Years of Creative Commons (in Sixty Seconds)” by Ryan Junell and Glenn Otis Brown for Creative Commons is licensed via CC BY 4.0 and includes adaptations of the multiple open and public domain works. View full licensing and attribution information about all works included in the video on Flickr.

Creative Commons is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world's most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all.

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The nonprofit behind the licenses and tools the world uses to share

For over 20 years, Creative Commons has supported a global movement built on a belief in the power of open access to knowledge and creativity. From Wikipedia to the Smithsonian, organizations and individuals rely on our work to share billions of historic images, scientific articles, cultural artifacts, educational resources, music, and more!

  • Wikipedia

    55+ million articles

    Every one of Wikipedia's 55 million plus articles are shared openly and freely using a CC license.

  • The Met

    492,000+ images

    All images of public-domain works in the Met's collection are openly available under Creative Commons Zero (CC0).

  • Khan Academy

    100,000+ lessons

    Many of the lessons found on Khan Academy are openly licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA.

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Open Culture
In a segment of a black and white etching, a bearded man in a tophat and coat holds hands with two children as they all leap in the air, birds above them, wearing matching white boots seemingly enabling them to fly. "The Electric Boots” British Library. Public Domain.

In November 2023, the Court of Appeal in THJ v Sheridan offered an important clarification of the originality requirement under UK copyright law, which clears a path for open culture to flourish in the UK.

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